black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Empowering Communities for a Sustainable Future

Actual picture clicked at our idly drive #jointheidlyrevolution

Our Initiatives

Empowering communities through sustainable initiatives and skill development for a better future.


ProjectIDLY strives to provide access to the first meal of the day to marginalized communities, homeless individuals, and children from low-income families. By providing this essential nourishment, we aim to not only alleviate hunger but also contribute to the overall well-being and development of these individuals. Together, we can build a brighter and more inclusive future, one IDLY at a time.

Actual picture clicked at our idly drive #jointheidlyrevolution

Feed the Need!

Launched in April 2024 in vibrant city of Pune (west). The primary objective of our project is to alleviate hunger and provide sustenance to those in need within our local community by serving them first meal of the day.

Since inception, we've expanded to 4 states (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat and Delhi and growing. We are constantly looking to grow our community and expand to newer locations/towns.

25,000+ Idlys served

10,500+ people served

Partner with US!

We are looking for partners with caterers/vendors across locations/towns, community kitchens, corporates educational institutes and volunteers for our initiatives. Reach out for collaboration or support in our initiatives.